Monthly Hopkinton Veterans Breakfast on November 2nd 2018

Dear Veterans and Friends:

Lets get together at the next Vets Breakfast on 2 November 2018, at 0900 hours, at the Senior Center. In addition to great chow, there is camaraderie that is top notch.

Our comrades who passed away during October will be remembered, and the state of those who are on “Sick Call” will be updated. Several veterans who are able are generous with their time, and visit and/or send cards to our ailing buddies. Keep up the good work!

The few comments after breakfast will recall memories of military events that previously occurred on November 2nd; for example, in 1944, propagandist Joseph Goebbels ordered all German males to enlist in the Volkssturm under penalty of military court martial. This was a last-ditch militia of the Third Reich.

Other announcements will keep you abreast of Hopkinton happenings relating to veterans.

A free breakfast and lunch will be awarded to the first person who correctly answers the monthly baseball quiz: How many total World Series did H of F left fielders Ted Williams, Carl Yastrzemski, and Jim Rice win?

Hopkinton veterans with transportation difficulties should call Amy Beck on/before 31 October 2018, 508 497-9730. Please encourage other Hopkinton Vets to attend the breakfast.

American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and bless the meal.

See you Friday. Out.

Remembering Bob Lavoie who was not a Marine rifleman; he was a proud BAR man. “The BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) was the best infantry weapon in Korea. Rugged and reliable, it seldom jammed, and a gunner could mow the the grass with its blistering and sustained rate of fire.”
Colonel David H. Hackworth in his book About Face, page 71.

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