Motivate Your Teen to Stay Focused as the Year Ends

The end of the school year is in sight—and many teens might already be mentally checked out, spending more time daydreaming about afternoons at the pool than learning pre-calculus.

Help your teen remain focused throughout these last weeks of school—especially on important end-of-year exams. Here’s how you can help your teen stay engaged in school:

~Offer to help your teen study. She can’t slack off on memorizing the dates of important Civil War battles if you’re the one holding the flash cards. You don’t have to be a trained teacher to help your teen study—ask to see her class notes and then together use them to make up questions for review.

~Keep asking about school. Just hearing you talk about it will remind your teen that school should be as important to her as it is to you. Your interest could be the boost she needs to keep her motivation high.

~Tell your teen you’re proud of her. Talk about how much she has accomplished so far this year—and how you’re confident that she’ll be able to finish out the year in the same way.

~Ask the school for the final exam schedule (if you haven’t already). Make sure your teen gets a good night’s sleep before test days and has a nutritious breakfast in the morning. Be sure to bake her a special treat to celebrate her hard work.

brought to you by
Hopkinton Middle School

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