Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Updates on Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Town of Hopkinton was a awarded a grant from the Commonwealth’s
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program to create a list of priority
ction items to advance the community’s resilience to projected climate
change impacts and to update the Town’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. In
December, a group of stakeholders met to identify strengths, vulnerabilities,
and actions to further build the Town’s resilience. We’ll be reporting the results
of this workshop and seeking public feedback. The input from this session will
be captured in the final MVP report.

March 24, 2020
followed by questions
and discussion

Join Online Register to receive link to the webinar at
We recommend logging on early to download the Skype application and ensure
everything is working properly. A video will be posted after the live presentation to the
Town’s website with a survey to collect additional input.
Please contact us with questions or concerns:
John Gelcich, AICP
(508) 497-9745

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