Irfan Nasrullah and Muriel Kramer have requested nomination papers from the Hopkinton Town Clerk, effectively launching their campaigns for Select Board in the May 17 local election. Both are Democrats with prior municipal experience including on the Select Board.
Nasrullah is currently vice chair of the Select Board and was also a member of the Planning Board. A practicing attorney, Nasrullah maintains an office in the center of town where he specializes in environmental and real estate law. He is a former Senior Regional Counsel for MassDEP and served on the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Environmental Crime Strike Force. He has enjoyed living in Hopkinton since his first year of high school. Eventually he was able to purchase the family homestead, where he and his wife Muneeza have raised their own two children.
Kramer is a veteran of the United States Air Force and a longtime community volunteer. Currently she serves on the Planning Board which she chaired for two years. She was previously elected to the Select Board in 2004, where she also served for two years as chair. Kramer has held a variety of appointed and elected roles since 2002, including serving as an associate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, participating in the Voices for Vision event, and serving as Deputy Town Moderator from 2009 – 2017. Kramer is a licensed clinical social worker; she and her husband Randy are parents of six children and grandparents of three. The family has lived in Hopkinton for 30 years.
Those wishing to find out more about the candidates may visit