Dear Vets and Friends:
Chipped Beef Friday will be on 5 June 2015, at the Senior Center mess hall at 0900 hours. Don’t be late. If there are transportation difficulties, call Amy Beck by 3 June 2015, 508 497-9730.
A friend of Hopkinton Vets, David Accetta, from the “Natick Army Labs” will fulfill repeat performance requests, and present innovative developments in body armor, helmets, load carriage, and new uniforms including their capabilities relating to low infrared reflectivity and Permethrin insect prevention treatment. A recent Army Times article described how the Army and the Marines are working with manufacturers to build new “cloaking” technology into camouflage. There are requirements to conceal uniforms across the electromagnetic spectrum. Some sensors pick up signatures invisible to the naked eye. Multi-spectral camouflage can better conceal against sensor surveillance.
Keep in step with Hopkinton veterans activities:
Free breakfast can be earned with the correct answer to the monthly baseball quiz: Who, over 12 seasons, led first basemen in HRs, RBI, total bases, extra-base hits, and OPS (on-base plus slugging)?
American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and the blessing of our meal.
See you there. Out.
WW II photos from 5 June:
1943, Churchill, just after returning from the USA
1944, LtGen Mark Clark parading into liberated Rome; wonder if Hopkinton’s Chuck Hunt is in the crowd; jeep driver?
1944, Gen Ike speaking with the 502nd PIR of the 101st Airborne Division (anticipating D-Day)
1945, USS Hornet flight deck collapsed in typhoon with 120 knot winds and 60-foot seas