Natick Fire Fighters Union Endorses Karen Spilka for Congress

The Natick Fire Fighters Union Local 1707 has endorsed Karen Spilka for Congress. Karen has the overwhelming support of organized labor in the congressional special election for the Fifth District; 34 labor groups are now backing her campaign.

“We have an extraordinary opportunity to send a true champion for working families to Congress,” said Local 1707 President Danny Hartwell. “Karen doesn’t just pay lip service to our issues. She gets it and she has been on the front lines for us her entire career in public service. Karen stands up for fire fighters because she understands that our work leads to stronger, safer communities. She will be an outstanding representative for the Fifth District.”

“I’m honored to have the support of the Natick Fire Fighters,” said Karen. “These men and women put their lives on the line to protect us every day and we are all extremely grateful for their willingness to do so. I will always get their backs and make sure they have the resources to continue keeping us safe. I’m running for Congress to stand up for middle class families who are working hard and playing by the rules only to see too many in Washington cater to the powerful special interests.”

Karen has a lifetime AFL-CIO score of over 92%, the highest of any candidate in this race. She has previously been endorsed by the Ashland Fire Fighters Union, the Pipefitters Local 537, the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 4, the United Steelworkers Local 12004, the Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen Local 3, the Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 12, statewide ATU, the UNITE-HERE New England Joint Board, UAW Region 9A, United Steelworkers Local 2285, United Steelworkers Local 2936, the International Operating Engineers Local 4, the Roofers and Waterproofers Union Local 33, the Sprinkler Fitters Local 550, Laborers’ Local 609, Laborers’ Local 22, IBEW Local 1505, the Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589, the Building Wreckers Local 1421, the American Postal Workers Union Local 4553, UFCW Local 1459, UFCW Local 1445, UFCW Local 791, UFCW Local 328, the Mail Handlers Local 301, Laborers’ Local 380, Laborers’ Local 1116, Laborers’ Local 1156, Laborers’ Local 151, and UWUA Local 369. She also has the backing of the Central Massachusetts Central Labor Council, the Plymouth-Bristol Central Labor Council, and the Norfolk Central Labor Council.

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