Dear Parents:
Each student will receive a printed schedule tomorrow, the first day of school. With the exception of music and physical education classes, all related arts courses are offered on a trimester basis. Subsequently, students will be issued a new schedule each trimester. The schedule that students receive on the first day of school is for Trimester I.
On Wednesday, September 4, 2013, all 8th graders should report to the Auditorium; all 7th graders should report to the Brown Gym; and all 6th graders will meet in the Doyle Gym. At that time, their homeroom teachers will call out their names and/or homeroom designations, and students will proceed to their homerooms, where they will receive their locker assignments. Each homeroom teacher will carefully review schedules with their students.
Due to traffic congestion and dangerous pedestrian situations, drivers who are dropping off students in the morning and/or picking up students after school must follow the posted traffic flow signs and blue painted lines. All students MUST be dropped off at the water tower/Brown Gym parking lot in the mornings. Officer Phil Powers and Administration will be present to assist with traffic flow.
Please do not drop your student off in front of the Middle School building at the front entrance. Dropping off at the front entrance near the Main Office is ONLY for late drop offs AFTER 7:30 a.m. For the safety of our students and staff, there should be no traffic in front of the Middle School building BEFORE 7:30 a.m.
Additionally, if you must come into the Middle School to conduct business, please do not park outside the entrance to the Middle School. Visitor parking spaces are provided for you in the parking lot.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I am lookng forward to an exciting and productive school year.
Alan M. Keller