New Traffic Pattern At High School Entrance

In the interests of increased pedestrian and driver safety, a new traffic pattern will be established at the High School starting on the first school day after the holiday break. Beginning on Thursday, January 2nd, all vehicles entering the High School area (except school buses) will be routed to exit onto Hayden Rowe Street via the Hopkins driveway. This will eliminate the unsafe convergence of traffic from the High School, Middle School, and school bus parking area.

In the past few weeks you may have noticed the presence of an afternoon crossing guard who also directs traffic. As part of the change, once the school-buses have exited onto Hayden Rowe Street, the crossing guard will move over to the Hopkins driveway to direct traffic.

We have an opening for a morning crossing guard. If you or someone you know has interest in this position, please refer to Job #14-38a on the District website under the Employment tab.

If you have any questions, please contact Ralph Dumas, Director of Finance & Operations, at 508-417-9385. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in promoting school safety.

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