Please join us for breakfast snacks, a kick off program and community service activities. In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., Hopkinton will bring together young and old to celebrate volunteerism.
But we need YOUR HELP!! Please start collecting the following items and bring them that day:
Donations Needed:
Yarn for Knitted Hats for homeless
Children’s books (new/gently used) for Cradles to Crayons
Canned goods (check expiration date) for Project Just Because Pantry
Used eye glasses for Lion’s Club
Used cell phones for Senior Center
Batteries (AA & AAA), international phone cards,toiletries, magazines & non melting snacks such as granola bars, jerky, nuts &
gum for Soldiers Overseas
Lotion for sensitive skin, books for reading (all ages), activity books such as Sudoku & puzzles (all ages), small stuffed animals,
Dunkin’ Donuts mug with small stuffed animal and $5.00 gift card for Cancer Patient Care Packages
Old towels, blankets & sheets for Baypaht Animal Shelter