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Resident Sand Pile Pick-Up Notice

By contributor,

I would like to remind the town residents that are coming into the DPW yard to pick up resident sand to use caution when entering and exiting the property. Over the last few years we have noticed an increase in the number of residents taking advantage of this service. People are driving too fast while entering & exiting our facility and there have been several close calls between our equipment and residents vehicles.

Educational Benefits of Neighborhood Schools

By contributor,

Whenever a school district decides to change its grade configuration, it generates a lot of discussion in the community. The reasons for the proposed change vary by district but generally include some dialogue about the number of student transitions, effects on student achievement, enrollment growth or decline, social or economic factors, student transportation, parental involvement, opportunities for student interaction, and/or facilities. The most important question often gets lost in the debate: What grade configuration most benefits students?

Hopkinton Networkers Group Meets January 21

By contributor,

The agenda for this Friday's Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG) meeting will be featured by our speaker, Stephen Balzac. The facilitator for this week will be Cheryl Harvey. We will devote the first hour, from 10 to 11 AM to the following agenda: Welcome, Landings, Announcements, New Member Intros, and Needs & Leads. Please arrive early, so we can make every effort to start on time. In the second hour, Steve will talk about "Interviewing For Success: How to Find, and Land, Your Dream Job."

"Awesome Pictures"

By Michelle Murdock, Freelance Writer

Check out the photos taken by Mark Collins at Hopkinton's 4th Annual MLK Day of Giving Back! MLK Committee member Anne Mattinas says they are "awesome".

The photos by Mark and others submitted from a variety of attendees from the day's activity can be viewed at Scene in Hopkinton, HCAM's photo website.

Follow the links below or check out the new drop down menus under HCAM News. Enjoy!

Winter Track Team Members Run with Homeless on MLK Day

By Michelle Murdock, Freelance Writer

While hundreds of Hopkinton middle and high school students gathered together at the Middle School to join in a day of service for Martin Luther King Day, others travelled offsite to give back. Six members of the Hopkinton Boys High School Winter Track Team, Brendan and Kyle Driscoll, Tim Bolick, Nick Giordano, Evan Rosen and Josh Batte, travelled into Boston to help inspire the homeless in a running program with Back on My Feet.