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Hopkinton's Library Site Now at Current Location

By Michelle Murdock, Freelance Writer

There has been in change in the site selection for the proposed new library. According to Permanent Building Committee (PBC) Chairman John Ferrari, work on the schematic plans for the site behind Center School has been halted, and all remaining funds will be put towards schematic plans for a new library at the current location.

Highway Department Winter Parking Ban

By contributor,

The DPW wishes to remind all Hopkinton residents of By-Laws pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles during the winter months.

Traffic Rules and Orders, Town of Hopkinton, Article lV, Section 8 “It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than for an emergency, to park said vehicle on any street between the hours of 1:00am to 6:00am from November 15 through April 1.

Article X, Section 1 By-Laws Town of Hopkinton

Highway Department Winter Parking Ban

By contributor,

The DPW wishes to remind all Hopkinton residents of By-Laws pertaining to the parking of motor vehicles during the winter months.

Traffic Rules and Orders, Town of Hopkinton, Article lV, Section 8 “It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than for an emergency, to park said vehicle on any street between the hours of 1:00am to 6:00am from November 15 through April 1.

McGovern Undergoes Surgery for Thyroid Cancer

By contributor,


“Earlier today, Jim underwent successful surgery in Washington to remove his thyroid gland. During a recent routine examination, we discovered a small nodule that a biopsy showed to be cancerous. This type of thyroid cancer grows very slowly, and is successfully treatable. He’s feeling good, and his prognosis is excellent. Jim will take a few days off and is looking forward to being back at work next week for the lame-duck session. Until then, I’ll be trying to convince him to rest and stay off the phone!

Center School High Priority for Replacement

By Michelle Murdock, Freelance Writer

Back in 2007, when the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) lifted its moratorium and invited schools to submit a “Statement of Interest” in order to qualify for state funds to build new schools, a total of 162 requests were received. Out of those 162 requests, the MSBA narrowed the list to 49 requests which were considered high priority. Center School was selected as one of the 49 highest priorities, qualifying in the obsolete building category.

Hopkinton Secures $900,000 Settlement

By contributor,

The Town of Hopkinton is pleased to announce that it has secured a $900,000 settlement in a long-standing dispute with the developer of the Hearthstone subdivision off Ash Street.

“This settlement is a tremendous victory for Hopkinton. It shows that the Town takes enforcement of its ordinances and regulations seriously,” said RJ Dourney, Chair of the Board of Selectmen.