Notice Of Vacancy: Center School Re-Use Advisory Team

The Town of Hopkinton seeks residents who are interested in serving on the Center School Re-Use
Advisory Team. Members shall be residents of the Town of Hopkinton.

Per Section 3-2 of the Town Charter, the Board of Selectmen hereby charges the Center School Reuse
Advisory Team (CSRAT) as follows:

A new early elementary school is under construction on Hayden Rowe. It is anticipated that after the new
school is occupied and all school operations have ceased at Center School, the building and property will
likely be declared surplus by the School Committee. The Board of Selectmen is charging the CSRAT to
recommend, for the Board of Selectmen’s consideration, a plan for the building and property that will
provide the Board with valuable outside viewpoints on the use and development of the property. This
plan shall outline the community’s vision for the future use of the property and produce recommendations
for the Board’s consideration that align with the aspirations of the community.

The CSRAT shall consist of five (5) full members who are Hopkinton residents and appointed by the
Board of Selectmen. All members shall serve for the life of the project at the pleasure of the Board of

Membership shall include residents with a background in real estate and property management, a
registered architect; background in land development and background in public relations and or public
participation processes.

Interested residents should apply by Monday, May 15, 2017 via the online volunteer form at Residents may also apply by submitting a letter of
interest to Maria Glynn, Executive Assistant, Town Manager’s Office,18 Main St, Hopkinton, MA 01748

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