The Town of Hopkinton seeks residents who are interested in serving on the Board of Appeals.
The Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial administrative board that hears and decides zoning related matters pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 40A and applications for Comprehensive Permits pursuant to MGL Chapter 40B. The Board is established in accordance with MGL Chapter 40A section 12 and the Town’s zoning bylaws. Duties of Board members include hearing and deciding relief for applications for special permits, petitions for variances, and for various types of appeals related to zoning matters in accordance with authority granted under MGL c. 40A s. 14. Application of sound and equitable judgment and a willingness to learn and be guided by the state Zoning Act, Hopkinton’s Zoning Bylaws, and judicial decisions are important qualifications for work on the Board.
The Board of Appeals consists of 5 full members and 4 associate members. The vacant position is a full member position. Members serve 5 year terms. Members shall be residents of the Town of Hopkinton.
Interested residents should apply via the online volunteer form at Residents may also apply by submitting a letter of interest to Maria Glynn, Executive Assistant, Town Manager’s Office,18 Main St., Hopkinton, MA 01748. For more information about the Board, please call Adina Wright at 508-497-9745.