On May 10th, Musical event and auction to fund the Saint John the Evangelist Youth Group’s mission trip to Gulfport, Mississippi

On May 10th, there will be a musical event and auction to fund the Saint John the Evangelist Youth Group’s mission trip to Gulfport, Mississippi to continue relief for Hurricane Katrina. The event, “Mississippi Blues”, will be hosted by the youth group and its leaders, and will take place at St. John’s Parish Center at 7:00 pm. Music will be provided by Steve Spector and friends.

Throughout the year, the youth group does several service projects, but also tries to go on a larger mission trip each summer. The group has been going to Gulfport for many years, doing things like constructing houses, tearing down storm debris, or helping out at local gardens or landscape areas. They also interact with the local people, including working with Gulfport charity groups and helping out at a Boys and Girls club. This allows the group to learn more about another culture, as it is quite different from their own. There is also a lot of camaraderie between the volunteers, and lasting friendships are often made on these trips. Overall, it is a great trip, and the group gets a lot out of it.

If you are interested in going to this event and supporting the Youth Group, you can purchase tickets in a number of different ways. In the weeks preceding the event, tickets will be sold at various locations around town, such as in front of St John’s Church after the masses or at Colella’s on May 3rd, for $25. You can email stjohnythmin@gmail.com to reserve an advanced ticket purchase. You can also buy tickets at the door on the night of the event for $30. In addition to the music, there will be live and silent auctions and raffles. Raffle items include a lottery tree and raffle tickets can also be purchased in advance. Please join us for a night of fun and giving.

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