Hopkinton has to make a choice regarding the proposed elementary school and shift to neighborhood schools. It’s a subject of great debate in town prompting excellent dialogue regarding how we move forward educationally. At the height of this debate is the subject of neighborhood schools, parity, expenses and dispute over the feasibility study. These are certainly excellent topics to discern and dissect; however, absent from the core of this discussion are our children, the students themselves. What is in their best interest, not just short term but long term?
Because Hopkinton has been “doing fine” shouldn’t be the impetus to close the doors on proposed educational opportunities if it potentially cultivates a better landscape for the future. I’d like to see the discussion return to what is in our children’s best educational interest, long term. How can we provide them the best advantage so they are well prepared to be successful both emotionally and academically by the time they reach middle school? We need to keep the doors open to the possibilities.
A substantial body of new research demonstrates that smaller schools with broader grade spans (K-5 neighborhood schools) provide a stronger educational platform for success. The emotional and academic benefits of fewer transitions are indisputable. There isn’t a study demonstrating that what we currently have in place is superior over what is being proposed.
Additionally, I look to the Strategic Plan’s Steering Committee laden with Hopkinton Principals and staff/teachers supporting its effort. I look to the HESBC Member listing and see the same. The Center School Forums have the support of our educational leaders. What is being proposed is in a student’s best interest long term. And, getting there is exceedingly opportunistic given the current relationship we have cultivated with MSBA, which cannot be undermined.
I personally respect both points of view because it only leads to better solutions. I am also mindful that accepting the proposal means change evoking many real and heartfelt emotions. However, I feel we are progressively getting off track in our discussions, missing the forest for the trees.
Hopkinton is whom we are because of our great history, people and families residing here. We extend ourselves beyond our schools because we are incredibly active within our community through places of worship, scouting, after school activities, philanthropy, the arts, town sports and summer programs. Our values, sense of community and appreciation for one another are what sustain us. This goes beyond our schools because it’s at the core of our community.
I hope we strive to respectfully honor both points of view ensuring the focus of this discussion be the students, creating the best educational opportunities for their academic and emotional success, long term.
If this truly remains the focus of our discussions, Hopkinton will yield the best solution for every student because we all value a strong educational system that will continue to strengthen and sustain our vibrant community.
The opportunity is present and knocking…
Selina Paolucci
53 Greenwood Road