The Planning Board met with Town Manager Norman Khumalo to discuss the Master Plan Update for Hopkinton during their September 23 meeting.
“Most recently, the Selectmen set as one of the Town Manager’s goals working, collaborating with the Planning Board and all of the stakeholders to complete a visioning process for the town,” Khumalo began.
As the Planning Process continues, Khumalo says that social media will be used to gather information for the drafting process. However, most of the input will be gathered from working sessions and community-based work groups that will hold public meetings. A sub-committee will be gathered with members from the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen to work with a consultant and the community to create a plan. A final report will then be made. A vision that the public has for the town will guide town departments during planning, and guiding principles and specific strategy goals for the implementation of the plan will be developed. Finally, policy goals that tie to the Master Plan process will be identified. Khumalo stated that strategic goals will help to plan for a budget moving forward.
Board member Claire Wright stated that because the Planning Board cannot deny developments if they legally fit into a certain zone, there are limitations on how much the Board can direct a plan. Khumalo replied that part of the review process will be if an application coming before the Board fits into the Master Plan. Vice-Chairman John Coutinho stated that the Board should be planning for the future.
“This vision that we’re looking for I think is something that can help us and a lot of the other Boards,” said Coutinho.
Board member Todd Holbrook agreed with Coutinho and Khumalo and stated that input from the community would help the Board plan with discretion. Board member Richard MacDonald stated that there should be a vision, but there also needs to be practical implementation. MacDonald stated that having a vote once a year at Town Meeting makes it difficult to implement plans. Khumalo responded that the Master Plan process includes governmental reviews and how government will be implemented into the Plan
Also discussed were the results of the recent sidewalk survey conducted by the Town. To watch the entire meeting, click here.