Planning Board Public Hearing – Hunter’s Ridge Definitive Subdivision Plan

The Planning Board met on Monday, April 8 to discuss a Definitive Subdivision Plan and Flexible Community Development Special Permit for Hunter’s Ridge off of South Mill Street. Peter Lavoie, Larry Greene, Ron Nation, and Scott Goddard presented the plan to the Board.

The definitive plan is similar to the preliminary plan previously submitted to the Board with the exception of the placement of a roadway and the placement of catch basins. The roadway was moved in order to take two house lots out of the buffer zone at the Planning Board’s recommendation. The roadway is 18 feet wide and will have country drainage consisting of a grass swale on each side. Within the drainage system, there will be check dams and a two foot leveling shoulder on each side. A sidewalk is proposed to go along the length of the entire roadway on one side with crossing points for a drainage pipe at the end of each driveway. There is a high point on the roadway so that drainage will slope down into the drop-in basin at the bottom of the swales. There is no increase in runoff off-site. An area where puddling is common on South Mill Street will be regraded, and the catch basin on the side of the road will be kept clean as part of stormwater management.

One resident wanted to know how two recently built homes on South Mill Street were addressed in the drainage plan and commented that a catch basin would be helpful in the area. Goddard stated that the drainage leads to a nearby wetland area. In response to the catch basin, Goddard stated that there would be no separation between a nearby gas line and the drain line which is necessary for the basin. The resident also commented that he would like to see how the grading will affect the site on future plans. Goddard responded by saying that there is an 8 1/2 grade on one portion of the roadway to maintain separation from a gas line. The site is graded so that any drainage to the front of the lots will go to the roadway and any drainage to the back of the lots will go to the drainage system behind the site. When Board member Claire Wright asked about perk testing on the site, BETA Group engineer Phil Paridas commented that he would like to see more perk testing around the drainage basins.

“It’s the major component of storm water management, and we want to make sure they work,” said Paridas.

Nation stated that they would have more testing done. Wright also commented that she would like to have stockpiling locations noted on future plans. Lavoie stated that stockpiling is shown on the erosion control plans and that each stockpile is out of the 100 foot buffer.

The Planning Board voted to continue the Public Hearing to their May 18 meeting.

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