Planning Board to Hold Public Hearing

The Planning Board of the Town of Hopkinton will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw and Zoning Map. The public hearing will be held at the Town Hall, 18 Main St., Hopkinton, MA, on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. The subject matter of the proposed amendments is below. A complete text of the proposed amendments and maps is available for inspection during regular business hours at the Department of Land Use, Planning & Permitting in Town Hall or by calling the Land Use department at 508-497-9755. The Town Hall is handicap accessible.

1. Amend the Zoning Map to rezone approximately 2.4 acres on Hayward Street from Residence Lake Front to Rural Business. The zoning district of the following parcels would be changed: 33 Hayward St. (Assessors Map L37 Block 101 Lot 0), 0 Hayward St. (Assessors Map L37 Block 102 Lot 0), 0 Hayward St./Old Town Rd. (Assessors Map L37 Block 125 Lot 0), 37 Hayward St. (Assessors Map L37 Block 125 Lot A), 0 Old Town Rd. (Assessors Map L37 Block 124 Lot 0), 0 Hayward St. (Assessors Map L37 Block 103, Lot 0), 0 Hayward St. (Assessors Map L37 Block 104 Lot 0), 0 Old Town Rd. (Assessors Map L37 Block 123, Lot 0).

2. Amend the Nonconforming Uses section of the Zoning Bylaw. The proposed modifications include providing for the alteration of nonconforming single and two family dwellings as of right in certain circumstances, and removal of the prohibition on the expansion of a nonconforming structure by more than 25%.

3. Adopt a new provision which authorizes the issuance of a special permit in order to allow the creation of a lot that does not meet the size and setback requirements if the new lot contains a historic structure, and amend the Garden Apartments in Residential Districts and Senior Housing Development bylaws to allow a reduction of dimensional requirements in order to facilitate the preservation of a historic structure.

4. Adopt a new definition of Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Installation, and a new Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Installation bylaw which allows such facilities by special permit in all zoning districts. Such facilities would be ground mounted and generate power solely for the electrical grid. The proposed bylaw includes such regulations as minimum lot size, fencing setbacks and screening requirements.

5. Amend the Water Resources Protection Overlay District and adopt a new Water Resources Protection Overlay District Map. The changes include delineation of the Zone A of the surface water supply at Echo Lake as a separate sub-district, new regulations specific to the
2 Zone A area, and inclusion of the Zones II and III to the new Alprilla Farm wells in the Water Resources Protection Overlay District.

6. Amend and replace the Site Plan Review bylaw including changes to the review standards, quantum of vote and appeal process.

7. Amend the Rural Business District to reduce the side yard depth requirement adjacent to abutting property in non-residential use, and to modify the landscaping and screening requirements.

8. Amend the Open Space Mixed Use Development Overlay District by adding new definitions for terms which include: apartment building, attached dwelling, common ownership, duplex, garden apartment, multifamily dwelling or project, simplex dwelling, single family dwelling, structure and townhouse.

Joseph M. Markey

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