Police Chief Flannery Resigns

Police Chief Richard Flannery announced his resignation during the public forum segment of the selectman’s meeting on Tuesday night. His resignation came with little warning, although he did inform the board of his intent during an executive session prior to the start of the meeting. Flannery said that after much reflection and for personal reasons, he would not be renewing his contract. The chief will stay on through the end of the fiscal year and will officially resign on June 30, 2013.

“After 34 years, it’s time for me to start a new chapter,” said Flannery.

In the meantime, Town Manager Norman Khumalo suggested that the selectmen work with Flannery to develop a profile for both the position and the department that would be used in the search and hiring process for the new chief of police.

Selectman Chair Ben Palleiko instructed Khumalo to make sure that the process for searching for Flannery’s replacement be included on upcoming meeting agendas.

In May 2011, Police Chief Richard Flannery was honored for 30 years of service at the Police Awards Ceremony held on May 25, 2011.

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