Police Chief Search Committee Narrows Field to 10

According to a press release today from the Town Manager”s Office, the Police Chief Search Committee has made significant progress in its work to find the next Chief of Police for the Town of Hopkinton.

“The Committee’s very deliberative approach to reviewing the candidates’ materials and credentials is meant to ensure a fair, equitable, and comprehensive process is followed in order to achieve this important goal,” says Committee Chair Bob Levenson who went on to say that the committee was very pleased with the response to the job posting, as well as with the overall quality of the applicants.

Each applicant’s credentials received a thorough review by the Committee and all preliminary phone screens have been completed. At the last Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 12, the number of candidates was narrowed down from twenty (20) to ten (10). The next phase of the process will be to begin conducting interviews, which are scheduled for early December. At the conclusion of the interviews, the Committee will reconvene to determine which of the 10 candidates will advance to the next step.

“There is a great deal of excitement among Committee members that we could very well have a new Police Chief by the end of December, early January timeframe,” said Levenson.

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