Police Warn of Solicitors and Scams

Recently, Hopkinton residents have contacted the Police Department regarding solicitors who have come to their residence. The Town of Hopkinton has a Solicitor By-law, Chapter 150: Door to Door Soliciting or Canvassing that controls the activities of private or corporate solicitors. This information can be found on the Town of Hopkinton website at http://www.hopkintonma.gov/home/government/documents/bylaws

If a solicitor registration permit is issued from the Police Department, the solicitor is required to carry the solicitor registration permit at all times while actively soliciting and must present it to the occupant for inspection and request the occupant read the registration card. The solicitor is also required to vacate any property immediately once requested to do so.

Also, several residents have notified us that they have received telephone calls demanding immediate payment for N Star electric service or IRS delinquent taxes.

These unsolicited calls are Scam Calls made to both residents and businesses.

If you receive any questionable telephone calls, please do not provide any banking or personal information until you have confirmed the caller’s identity and If you receive any suspicious or unsolicited phone calls demanding payment or seeking banking or personal information, please call Hopkinton Police first at 508-497-3401 so we may assist you. Please call us with any concern you may have. We are always here to help protect you.

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