For the past 12 years, Jackie Potenzone has lived at 12 Wood Street near the intersection of Wood and West Main Street. For 11 of those years, she has operated a business out of her home.
“I know how this intersection works,” said Potenzone in a phone interview.
According to Jackie, her world as she knows it has been rocked. She hasn’t felt the same since attending the first Downtown Initiative Steering Committee (DISC) public forum in November 2011 where she learned that her home would be affected by the proposed road changes that are part of the Downtown Initiative Project.
“I am so blindsided by this,” said Potenzone. “I never expected this.”
According to Potenzone, the plans to modify the intersection will create a “major safety issue” for her family with traffic directed right at her house.
The Wood Street Relocation Concept, which would eliminate the existing home at 2 West Main Street and move the intersection further west, and according to Potenzone, directly across from her driveway, is part of the larger conceptual plan created by BETA Group, the engineering firm hired by the town to develop a plan to improve streetscape and infrastructure in the downtown area.
The $400,000 paid to BETA was authorized by a Town Meeting vote in May of 2010. DISC was formed in June of 2010 to act as advisors to the Town Manager. The committee received its charge in September of 2010 and has been working on a plan with BETA since of October of 2010.
According to Town Manager Norman Khumalo, submission to MassDOT of the 25% design plan is the goal they are now working on. According to information provided to the Planning Board in July by DISC Chairman Tom Nealon, the state is reserving $4 million for the project, but in order to stay in the funding pipeline, the 25% plan needs to be completed.
Khumalo says public input from all town residents is very important for this project. And that includes Jackie Potenzone as well.
“We are meeting with her to make sure she is part of the project,” said Khumalo, who explained that Town Engineer Dave Daltorio had just met with Potenzone on Friday, February 3.
“The town wants to continue to be deliberate, thoughtful and engaging,” said Khumalo. “We sincerely welcome comments.”
According to Potenzone, every time she meets with Daltorio he asks, “What can we do to mitigate this?” But she just wants them to leave the intersection alone. Although she says Daltorio has offered shrubs and a stone wall to shield her property, and has even suggested moving her driveway to the other side of her house, Potenzone says she will not accept any mitigation and has already hired an attorney.
Daltorio confirmed this saying, “I talked to the Potenzone’s about possible mitigation measures to address their concerns and they were not interested.”
“I will fight this,” said Potenzone.
The changes proposed for the Wood Street intersection are only part of the plan. The Downtown Initiative Project covers Main Street from Wood Street to Ash Street and is looking at intersections at Pleasant Street, Route 85 and 135 and Hayden Rowe as well. According to a press release from the Khumalo, DISC is now in the process of developing its recommendations with regard to pedestrian safety, roadway widths, downtown streetscape and infrastructure and continues to seek public input.
Two additional public meetings have been scheduled to provide an update to the public and to gather additional input. Those who are interested in learning more about the Project will have the opportunity to discuss aspects of the Project with the Town Engineer, DPW Director and Director of Land Use Planning and Permitting. Dave Daltorio, John Westerling and Elaine Lazarus will be available to provide a brief summary of the key elements of the Downtown Revitalization Project and answer any questions.
The first meeting is Thursday, February 9th from 10AM to 11AM and the second meeting is Thursday, February 16th from noon to 1PM. Both meetings will take place in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room at Town Hall.
DISC will be holding its next meeting on February 21st at 7:00 PM in Room 216 of Town Hall. Feedback from the public meetings will be reviewed and the committee will discuss and determine the next steps in presenting the project to the Board of Selectmen.
Editor’s Note: The owners of the home at 2 West Main Street could not be reached for comment.