Presentation to Milford Selectmen Planned for March 18

Casino-Free Milford, a growing movement of Milford citizens concerned about the proposed development of a destination resort casino in town, is urging all Milford residents to attend Monday night’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting in Town Hall at 7:00 PM to learn about the damaging effects such a development could inflict on the community. Residents from surrounding communities are also invited.

Milford residents Steve Trettel and John Seaver, both of whom have family roots in town that go back generations, serve as co-chairmen of the Casino-Free Milford group. Both Trettel and Seaver will deliver a presentation at the Selectmen’s meeting to explain the reality of what happens to a community in the wake of casino development, including data obtained from the experiences of the communities surrounding the Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun casinos in Connecticut. Concerns to be addressed in their presentation include the impact on Milford’s social fabric, infrastructure, environment, and economy.

When asked why he is volunteering his time to work with the Casino-Free Milford group, Steve Trettel says, “As a life-long resident of Milford, I have raised four kids here and am the proud grandparent of thirteen. We enjoy a wonderful life here in Milford, and I want to protect that for my grandkids and great-grandkids. I will work tirelessly to inform Milford voters how a large gambling complex, such as the proposed Crossroads Casino development, would forever alter the character of Milford and the quality of life for our families.”

Co-chairman John Seaver, also a life-long resident of Milford, agrees with Trettel’s sentiments and adds, “This Crossroads casino will bring over 45,000 daily visitors to Milford, further clogging our streets, increasing crime, and reducing our property values. Milford people have to know what’s at stake and get involved.”

To see a copy of the presentation to the Milford Board of Selectmen, Click Here.

Casino-Free Milford is a volunteer organization dedicated to educating the Milford community about the negative impact a destination resort casino would impose and to preventing such a development from being constructed in town. More information about Casino-Free Milford can be accessed on the group’s website ( and Facebook page ( All Milford residents are invited to join the group and sign up for regular email updates via the website.

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