In a recent email to parents of 6-12th graders, Principal Alyson Geary invites parents to view the Hopkinton High and Youth Commission sponsored performance of “Dirt”, a performance desiged to address the issue of substance abuse.
WHEN: Wednesday, February 15
WHERE: High School Auditorium
Dear parents of 6-12th graders,
“I am Dirt” is an powerful theatrical performance that has been positively received by students and parents across the country. Using a series of personal stories, actor/comedian John Morello helps audiences understand the core reasons behind substance abuse and the toll it can take on their lives. It can also help parents to understand the impact they have on their children’s lives through their personal choices and decisions.
We would like to invite all interested middle and high school parents and students to attend a performance of “I am Dirt” on Wednesday, February 15th at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium. The evening performance is sponsored by the Hopkinton Youth Commission. There will also be a performance for 9th and 10th grade students during the school day on February 15th sponsored by the HPTA.
For more information, please visit the I am Dirt website.
We hope to see many of you next Wednesday.
Alyson Geary
HHS Principal
From the I Am Dirt Website.
Recently Morello’s show “Dirt” has become the number one recommended assembly for young people by the New England and New Jersey chapters of SADD, MADD, and ASAP (Association of Student Assistance Professionals). “Dirt” is now endorsed for camps and retreats like TIGS, MADD Power Camp, and numerous peer mediation groups. The formula for this success is quite simple according to Morello. “ Kids don’t need flashing lights, cliches, and a circus production to connect with them. Like all of us they want honesty, respect, and someone who is real.” As characters speak honestly about their experiences the audience understands how seemingly disconnected lives are indeed tied together and influencing each-other. In the end “Dirt” addresses the core reasons for substance abuse such as self esteem, depression, and a desire to find a purpose in this often chaotic life.