Proper use of Fertilizers

Keep your grass green, but not our lakes and streams! Fertilizer is a “growing” problem for lakes, rivers, and streams, especially if it’s not used carefully. Be mindful when applying – read labels, apply properly, and NEVER apply before a rain storm! Fertilizer and herbicides can easily wash off of your lawn and into a nearby storm drain or waterbody, which can contribute to algae growth and poor water quality. Consider switching to slow-release and phosphorus-free fertilizers to help improve our waters. And remember, NEVER dump grass clippings or other yard debris into the street or storm drain. This can cause flooding and eventually end up in our lakes and ponds. Instead, consider leaving cut grass where it falls for free fertilization. For more information on proper stormwater management, visit our DPW website:…. If you have any questions, you can contact the Town of Hopkinton DWP Director at

Thank you.

John K. Westerling, MPA
Hopkinton’s Director of Public Works
83 Wood Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748

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