Public Invited to Review DISC 25% Design of Main Street Project

Residents interested in reviewing the 25% Project Design for the Main Street Project, as recommended by the Downtown Initiative Steering Committee (DISC), are invited to a public meeting with Town Engineer Dave Daltorio, DPW Director John Westerling and Director of Land Use, Planning and Permitting Elaine Lazarus on Thursday, January 17 from 10AM to 11AM in Room 215 at Town Hall.

The Project is ready for submission to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (Ma”>CssDOT) for review, but the Town is offering this meeting to the public with key staff members to provide a brief summary of the key elements of the Project, the process moving forward through Final Design and eventual
construction. According to Daltorio, the purpose of the meeting is to provide an update to the public and to gather additional input for DISC and the Board of Selectmen prior to formal submission to MassDOT.

“With town meeting deadlines on the horizon, this will help to inform and shape the decisions that will be made as to how the Town will proceed with the various
elements and the overall Project,” said Daltorio in a memo released from Town Hall.

The Project includes improvements on Main Street from Ash to Wood Streets and will include aesthetic improvements, roadway realignment, sidewalks, pedestrian safety, on street parking, bike lanes, and changes to major intersections.

Comments and recommendations from the public will be conveyed to the DISC and to the Board of Selectmen at one of their upcoming meetings and the Project itself will be presented to the board at their January 22 meeting.

Downtown Initiative Steering Committee (DISC) 25% Design of the Main Street Project
Thursday, January 17th from 10:00 to 11:00 AM
Room 215 – Town Hall

To see a copy of the plans online on the town’s website, Click Here.

For more information contact Town Engineer – David Daltorio, P.E.
Phone: 508-497-9738

To see the HCAM News video from February 2012 that documents a previous public meeting to discuss the Main Street Project, Click Here.

To see the original presentation by The Beta Group Click Here.

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