Relating to Difficult People at Faith Community Church

Relating to Difficult People
Sunday, April 30 from 6:30-8:30p

Admit it, sometimes it can feel like they’re everywhere. At work, in the neighborhood, and even in our own homes. “Difficult” people come in all types, from the annoying to the needy, and our efforts to navigate these relationships can be exhausting and frustrating. But there is good news! Three simple relationship principles put into practice can lessen the stressful impact of the difficult people in our lives and turn us toward the greater joy and satisfaction that God wants us to have.

Be Refreshed events are amazing seminars for women of all ages. You will be treated to delicious desserts and good company.

We welcome all women; you do not need to be members of Faith Community Church, or any other church, to attend. There is no charge to attend these events.

Register at, click “Events”

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