Representative David Linsky Endorses 8th Middlesex House Candidate James Arena-DeRosa

James Arena-DeRosa (Holliston), candidate for the 8th Middlesex State House District (Holliston, Hopkinton, Sherborn, and precincts two and three of Millis), has officially been endorsed by State Representative David Linsky.

Remarking on why he views Arena-DeRosa as the best candidate to represent towns that were formerly part of his district, Representative David Linksy says that he knows “James is committed to listening and partnering with local leaders in Millis and Sherbon”, and looks forward to partnering with him in the State House should the Democratic nominee win in November.

“I am beyond thrilled to have the endorsement of Representative David Linsky for my campaign” says Arena-Derosa. “David has served Sherborn and Millis for over 20 years with an unparalleled drive and dedication to these towns. It would be an honor to collaborate with him and serve Millis and Sherborn in the years ahead”.

With the endorsement of both Representative David Linksy and former Representative Carolyn Dykema who stepped down in February, Arena-DeRosa has now earned the support of the two Representatives that served this district before the new borders were drawn. James Arena-DeRosa has also earned the support of over fifty current and former local elected officials from every town in the 8th Middlesex District, as well as many local and national unions and organizations.

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**This article was written by a group or person in the Hopkinton Community and does not reflect the views of HCAM or any of their Board Members or Employees.**

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