Thirteen years ago today our nation was shocked by the attacks on the World Trade Center. We remember those who lost their lives that day and thank the firefighters, policemen, EMT’s and other emergency personnel who put their safety and lives on the line to protect the rest of our community.
Thinking back to the days following the attack it was time of fear, but also of great strength and unity. As a nation and as a local community, we came together in support of our country and the ideals that make us all proud to call the United States our home.
Some took this commitment a step further by signing up to serve our country during that time of need. Today we remember the countless men and women who continue to serve, many of whom are overseas now protecting our freedoms. One need only look to our neighboring community of Northborough to recognize the magnitude of the sacrifices they make. We hold in our memory and our prayers Specialist Brian K. Arsenault, who made the ultimate sacrifice last week while serving in Afghanistan, and all those who have lost their lives in defense of our country.
During this day of reflection, let us remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and honor their memory by supporting our troops fighting for our freedom today. Let us keep the victims of 9-11, their families, and our service men and women in our hearts and minds, today and every day.