Dear Editor:
I am opposed to the current 1 -1 laptop program being presented to the current 8th
grade as a program that may ultimately be implemented at Hopkinton High School. I am
a Hopkinton parent who supports of our educational system. I encourage 21 st century
Asking a small minority of citizens (the incoming 8th grade parents) to support a plan
that ultimately we all will have to pay a fee for as citizens to educate our children in
public school is unjust. Is this even legal? Can the town implement a program that
mandates future spending of parents without asking for town wide approval? I as a
parent want to be able to make a decision about the future of my child’s education. This
plan as it is being presented does not allow the majority of us to have our voices heard
in a major change to our educational system.
I urge the Hopkinton High School principal and the School Committee to reevaluate the
program and allow all Hopkinton residents to have a voice. This is a decision being
made by a minority telling me this is the best education model for our children that I
don’t support or agree with.
Why can’t we look at viable lower cost options in the High School such as iPad.
If you want to implement a technology program I support that if it is brought to the
citizens with a plan for town wide acceptance. Also, the schools should incorporate the
cost in the budget as a cost to the school system. The maintenance of a program of this
magnitude will ultimately be administered by the town and taxpayers. We will have to
hire additional staff to support this program and keep the technology current. This will be
an additional burden on the tax payers in future. A tax burden we had no voice in.
This plan needs to have more conversation with all citizens before being approved. Do
we all want to pay this fee as citizens? This will be another form of “No taxation without
representation” by the town. There must be more discussions on this program and
town-wide acceptance.
I urge all citizens to get involved in the process.
Jackie Potenzone
12 Wood St
Hopkinton Ma 01748