Resident Urges Voters to Re-elect Jean Bertschmann to Keep School District on Upward Track

As we all well know, Hopkinton schools have been on an upward trajectory for several years now in its pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement in all areas. It is no coincidence, for instance, that Hopkinton High School was recently ranked by Newsweek magazine as 95th in the country and second in the state behind Boston Latin Academy.

And this just in – even more exciting news: The high school was named number three in the state and awarded a gold medal for outstanding accomplishments by U.S. News and World Report.

In our community, we are so fortunate to have a large cadre of smart, dedicated and caring principals, teachers, administrators and parent-volunteers – working together at all levels in the school district – to achieve these measurable goals and help students succeed.

As a school committee member who is now up for re-election, Jean Bertschmann is one of those people who works tirelessly for others while tackling tough issues that make our schools strong.

In her role as chairperson, Jean is a great listener and leader who consistently shows a healthy respect for other people’s points of view when making important decisions. As former HPTA president, mother of four outstanding Hopkinton students and active school volunteer for 15 years including dedicated service in the Boosters store, she also is someone who understands the dynamics between teachers, students and technology. Her efforts working with key decision makers in the community have resulted in many creative and cost-effective initiatives including: academic excellence in classrooms, reduced energy costs, flexible options for Center School, and a tuition-based student foreign exchange program designed to “pay for itself” while giving students valuable worldwide exposure.

Jean and her colleagues have brought much needed value to this town as they work to achieve the highest possible educational goals for our children within a highly challenging fiscal environment – and the result has been remarkable achievements in all categories. Re-elect Jean to the Hopkinton School Committee on May 21 and help keep Hopkinton schools on the right track!

Joy Donohue / 41 Blueberry Lane
May 11, 2012

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