RFP Issued for Hockey Rink at Legacy Farms

An update on Legacy Farms was given by developer Roy MacDowell during the November 18 Planning Board meeting, including an update on the proposed hockey rink. A request for proposal (RFP) for the Legacy Farms athletic field called for by Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Town Counsel Ray Miyares has been sent out to potential developers. The intent is to have a hockey rink developed at Legacy Farms, but the land can be used for other athletic-specific uses. The RFP is being issued to the Demons Youth Hockey association, the YMCA, other hockey associations, and other organizations that the town desires.

The land was originally set aside to be used if the town needed additional athletic field space. When approached by the Demons, the land was turned into a potential site for a hockey rink. Board member Claire Wright noted that the current proposal is different from the original intent of the space in that the land could be turned into a hockey rink or into a piece of commercial property.

“It was not in the town’s idea that we would have this piece that we could sell it off to some commercial exercise gym… to do gym memberships. It was so the town would have something to meet the town’s needs,” said Wright.

Board Chairman Ken Weismantel agreed, saying that a hockey rink is a “good fit within the broad athletic needs of the town.”

However, MacDowell stated that with the RFP, proposals can be screened and rejected or a proposal can be chosen by the town. Plans made for the property will then need a special permit from the Planning Board, meaning that details for a proposal will be seen by the Board and approved if appropriate.

Past Planning Board member Joe Markey commented that the land had been set aside for fields by the previous Board members as part of the town’s Master Plan, and that the idea for a hockey rink did not come until much later. However, Weismantel noted that the current Board has been in favor of a hockey rink for the past few years. The need for athletic fields has not been as pressing in the past few years and surveys have shown that different athletic facilities were desired.

“I think it’s important to be responsive to whatever the athletic needs are of the town,” said Wright.

The deadline for the RFP will be in January of 2014. If there are no responses by then, the land will be graded, loamed, and seeded. If there are interested responses, the town will be able to pick a candidate to develop the land and will know the direction the project is taking. It was also noted that the RFP took many years to write and, as a result, the Demons may be seeking a facility in other areas.

To watch the HCAM News video highlighting the details of the plan proposed by Demons Youth Hockey, Click Here.

Related story detailing support of hockey rink proposal by the Board of Selectmen with Demons Powerpoint presentation attached here.

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