Roadwork Completed On Budget and Ahead of Schedule

The Department of Public Works (DPW) is pleased to announce completion of the Town’s FY2010 Roadway Resurfacing Program on budget and ahead of schedule. The program included approximately $800,000 of rehabilitation work on 46 roadways within the town, marking an increased level of roadway maintenance efforts from previous years. This program included approximately:

1) 28,000 square yards of roadway rebuilding and paving on Robbern Road, Ash Street, Frankland Road, Pond Street, Fruit Street, and the Hopkins School Loop Road.
2) 13 miles of crack-sealing on 32 roadways.
3) 29,000 square yards of chip-sealing work on Clinton Street, East Street, and Saddle Hill Road.
4) 3,600 square yards of milling and paving efforts on two separate areas of Main Street.
5) 6,000 square yards of various pavement rehabilitation on four other roadways.

The DPW appreciates the town’s commitment to funding roadway improvements. Anyone with any questions on this project is encouraged to contact the Hopkinton DPW at (508) 497-9740.

I want to commend Brendan O’Regan, Mike Mansir and the Highway Department team for a job well done.

Norman Khumalo
Town Manager

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