The following roads will need to be closed briefly for needed roadwork during the listed dates and times. Please seek alternate routes.
Saturday August 16th.
Cross St – Frankland Rd to the Ashland town line. The road will be closed from approximately 7am-11am for fine grading to prepare the road surface for asphalt paving.
Wilson St – East Main St to #12 Wilson St. The road will be closed from approximately 11am-3pm for fine grading to prepare the road surface for asphalt paving.
Wednesday August 20th.
Cross St – Frankland Rd to the Ashland town line. The road will be closed from approximately 7am-11am for asphalt paving. This is the first course of paving (binder course); the second course (top course) will be installed at a later date. Another notice will be posted as soon as we have the date for that work.
Wilson St – East Main St to #12 Wilson St. The road will be closed from approximately 11am-3pm for asphalt paving. This is the first course of paving (binder course); the second course (top course) will be installed at a later date. Another notice will be posted as soon as we have the date for that work.
Mike Mansir
Hopkinton Highway Manager