Hopkinton’s Board of Assessor Chair, Dr. John Duffy, and Norman Khumalo, Town Manager, regret to announce that Mr. Bob Bushway has resigned from his position as Principal Assessor effective Friday, August 1, 2014. Mr. Bushway’s contribution to the Town during his 15-year tenure, and at a time when the Town was experiencing tremendous growth, is remarkable. During that time his passion for his work here in Hopkinton was evident in his work with the Board of Assessors, his professional representation of the Town, and his respectful interaction with the Town’s residents.
Dr. John Duffy expressed his appreciation for the work Bob has done on the Board of Assessors and for the Town. He further commented, “It will be a challenge replacing him.” Mr. Bushway has accepted an opportunity to continue his work in the Town of Milton. Town Manager, Norman Khumalo also remarked, “Bob has been a highly valued member of the management staff at Town Hall, and we will miss his contributions to the team. While I would have liked Bob to stay, and I did try to get him to, I am equally happy for Bob and his family.”