Runderdogs 2014 Boston Marathon Run for HOPE

The 2014 Boston Marathon will be about resiliency, strength, love, pride and overcoming adversity. For these reasons, our Runderdogs team — Ginny Pitcher, Julia McGovern & Kel Kelly — will run for the House of Possibilities (HOPe). HOPe is the organization that discovers and celebrates the special in special needs. Special needs children and adults are the true underdogs in our world and overcome adversity every single day. HOPe believes the possibilities for developmentally disabled people are limitless and they are a remarkable gift to the rest of the world. We couldn’t agree more and on April 21, 2014 we will run 26.2 miles to raise money for and celebrate these underdogs. We will draw our inspiration from the people HOPe serves. Will you please consider making a donation to support our run for HOPe? Thank you!

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