The 2011 Sales Tax Holiday is this weekend – Saturday, August 13th and Sunday, August 14th! These two days will help local businesses and working families – giving everybody a break, just in time to send our kids back to school.
I received repeated calls of support for the holiday from retailers and consumers across the Commonwealth and as Chair of the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies I heard testimony from small business owners and many business organizations about the need for the extra sales that the holiday generates. I am pleased that the legislature acted quickly to establish the sales tax holiday for this year.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, the sales tax holiday has saved consumers nearly $100 million since 2004. The legislature has passed it every year since then, except in 2009, when the recession was at its worst.
As in previous years, the state sales tax will be waived for items under $2,500 purchased during these two days. This excludes vehicles, motorized boats, tobacco, meals, and utilities.
For more information about this year’s Sales Tax Holiday or if you have any additional questions, please call the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Hotline at (617) 973-8787 or (888) 283-3757.
Karen E. Spilka
2nd Middlesex and Norfolk