Discovering the mystery of God through the act of creative expression.
We originated in the image of the Divine Creator. In the actor creating as you contemplate on God, you discover the mystery of the Excellent One in new and exciting ways.
We offer a variety of creative expressions to help you connect with God. You don’t need to have any artistic ability to experience this offering!
We meet every quarter. Next Meeting: Saturday, Sept. 21 from 9 a.m. – 12 noon.
We offer various forms of Lectio Divina which combine at various times music, art, the spoken word, and more. There will be plenty of time for you to respond to what the Spirit of God is doing in you as you both contemplate God’s Word and have opportunity to express your response to God.
You do not need to have any artistic bent to partake in this time, so please do not let that stop you! Each of us is creative in our own God-given way, and we respond to our Creator with the creativity bestowed upon us.
Join us for our next offering of Creative Contemplation. We meet quarterly on Saturdays (check The Sanctuary calendar).
The suggested donation is $20 — and all that is required is YOU! You may also want to bring your Bible and journal. Hot beverages, cold water, and a warm, nurturing environment is provided. You will be lovingly led by The Sanctuary at Woodville Co-Director and facilitator Elizabeth Cartier!