Did you know that HCAM-TV has a photo website called “Scene in Hopkinton’? It’s our SmugMug site where we have hundreds of photos from many Hopkinton events, as well as just “scenes” of life in Hopkinton. Some are taken by HCAM staff and others are submitted by our viewers.
SmugMug allows us to track activity on this website and enables us to know what “scenes” are most popular. For the month of November, these are the top viewed photo albums:
- Senior Halloween Breakfast – 6,526 views, photos by Michelle Murdock
- East Main Street Fire – 5,927 views, photos by Dick Bartlett
- 88th Thanksgiving Classic, 5,428 views, photos by Mike Torosian
- Booster’s Club Turkey Bowl, 4,167 views, photos by Mike Torosian
- Elmwood School Meeting of the Eagles, 3,556 views, photos by Mike Torosian and Michelle Murdock
If you haven’t visited yet, make sure to check out all the great photos of Hopkinton, from sporting events, to student life in Hopkinton’s public schools to snow scenes submitted by our viewers. If you have a photo album you’d like to submit, contact Station Manager Jim Cozzens at jim@hcam.tv.
If you have single photos you’d like to share, we can post those on the front page of our website on “The Shoot”. Email photos to news@hcam.tv.