School/West Main Street Intersection Plan on Selectmen’s Agenda Tuesday Night

The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Tuesday, March 6 and beginning at 7PM representatives from WorldTech Engineering will present their findings to the board regarding the intersection at School and West Main Street.

According to a letter from DPW Director John Westerling to Town Manager Norman Khumalo, the WorldTech engineers will discuss:

  • the methodology used to evaluate the existing conditions,
  • the alternatives that were evaluated,
  • their recommended solution (installation of a traffic signal), and
  • options for funding

According to Westerling, the recommended option will be for the installation of a traffic signal which includes the addition of turning lanes and some pavement widening.

His letter to Khumalo also states, “This is the best way to address the concerns raised by the abutters to facilitate safe, efficient vehicular movements of the School Street traffic through the intersection.”

In order to accommodate the construction, two small land takings will be necessary.

A placeholder is on the Annual Town Meeting warrant for this item and the Board of Selectmen will be provided with several funding options.

“Local funding is the most realistic and optimistic funding option and the option that will allow construction to begin the soonest,” said Westerling.

Westerling will be at the meeting with the consultants to answer any questions.

To see the complete Board of Selectmen’s agenda for Tuesday, March 6, see the attached portfolio below.

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