Selectmen Announce Lake Maspenock Weed Management Advisory Group

At its June 23, 2015 meeting, the Board of Selectmen created a new advisory group to work with the Town DPW Director on management of weeds at Lake Maspenock. The Town of Hopkinton is encouraging all residents who are interested in serving on this advisory group to apply now.

In order to be considered for this Advisory Group, please apply no later than Thursday, July 9th, 2015 at Noon online or in the Board of Selectmen’s Office. The Advisory Group charge can be viewed below and on the Selectmen’s website.

To apply, please visit the Town’s website and fill out the online volunteer form.

Interested parties may also visit the Board of Selectmen’s Office in Town Hall to fill out an application in person or call the office to have staff assist you in applying.

For more information, to apply or questions about the Advisory Group, please contact Jamie Hellen in the Board of Selectmen’s Office at 508-497-9700.

The new Advisory Group Charge is as follows:

Lake Maspenock Weed Management and Control Advisory Group
Approved: June 23, 2015

Pursuant to the powers granted to the Board of Selectmen by Section 32 of the Town Charter, the Board of Selectmen hereby charges the Lake Maspenock Weed Management and Control Citizens Input Group (Citizen Input Group) as follows:

COMPOSITION: The Citizen Input Group shall consist of five (5) full members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. All members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Selectmen and shall be Hopkinton residents. Specifically the membership shall be as follows:

Full Members:

1. One resident of the area in the vicinity of Lake Maspenock who has a background in weed management and control;
2. One designee from the Conservation Commission;
3. One designee from the Parks & Recreation Commission; and
4. Two at large members.

CHARGE: The Citizen Input Group shall make recommendations to the Director of Public Works regarding measures to facilitate effective public participation in the formulation of the Comprehensive Weed Management and Control plan (The Plan) at Lake Maspenock.

The Advisory Group may make recommendations regarding the following:

1. Coordinating, consulting and providing methods and means for seeking public input, energizing public interest and support in the formulation of The Plan;
2. Facilitating meetings and helping organize efforts towards ensuring effective public participation at the meetings and that public input is valued;
3. Optimizing public buy-in to The Plan;
4. Formulating methods and means of increasing public awareness about the benefits, risks and ecological impacts of The Plan.

QUALIFICATIONS: Energy, commitment, available time, communication skills and ability to bring people together.

OPEN MEETING LAW & PUBLIC RECORDS LAW: The Citizen Input Group is a “public body” as defined in the O pen Meeting Law . As such, the Committee shall comply with all of the requirements of the O pen Meeting Law , including providing notice of meetings, conducting open/public discussion (except as is permitted under the limited exceptions), and keeping minutes. The Committee shall make documents available to the public, as prescribed by the Public Records Law.

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