Senate President Karen Spilka & Chair of the Massachusetts Black & Latino Legislative Caucus, Representative Carlos González

On Monday June 15, 2020, Senate President Karen E. Spilka, Chair of the Massachusetts Black & Latino Legislative Caucus (MBLLC) Representative Carlos González, and members of the MBLLC met to discuss racial justice legislation. The following is a joint statement from President Spilka and Chair González.

“Today we had a very productive discussion about the urgent work that will take place in the Senate over the next few weeks to advance police reform and racial justice legislation.

“The areas of discussion were consistent with what the MBLLC has prioritized, as well as the focused work the Senate’s Working Group on Racial Justice has been doing on the topics of police officers’ standards and training, excessive use of force, duty to intervene, police accountability, and the need for robust data collection.

“Both the MBLLC and Senate President agree: The effort to dismantle institutional and structural racism that exists in our Commonwealth must be both a sprint and a marathon. We must do everything we can to achieve short-term systemic change while making a concerted effort to address racial barriers across areas such as education, housing, economic development and our financial systems.

“The MBLLC and the Senate are intensely aware of the gravity presented by this moment and are committed to working together to get a strong bill to the governor’s desk before July 31, 2020.”

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