Simple Rules Make Life Easier

At school or on the playing field, teens know that they need to follow the rules. It should be no different at home. Here’s how a simple set of rules will help everything go much smoother:
Change misbehavior by setting positive goals. Concentrate on what you want your teen to do, not what you don’t want him to do.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Clearly communicate expectations and limits. If you must enforce a rule, enforce it every time.
Involve your teen in solving problems. Family meetings are a good way to develop cooperation with rules. Teens who have helped solve a problem are usually committed to the solution.
Talk less, do more. Actions really do speak louder than words. With older kids, try the “broken record” approach—repeating the same phrase (“Homework now”) over and over again.
Make clear what you want, and praise your teen when he does it.
Impose logical consequences for misbehavior.
Give choices—but make sure you can live with them. Limited choices usually work best.
Show your love. Firm and kind discipline is an act of love—not a substitute for it. Your teen needs to know you love him no matter what.
brought to you by
Hopkinton Middle School

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