Single Again Meeting Dec. 9 to Focus on Coping with the Holidays

Single Again, a new support group for people who, though divorce, death, or other circumstances are single again, will be hosting another meeting at St. Paul’s Episcopal church hall on Friday, December 9 at 7:00 p.m. The focus of this meeting will be on spending the holidays as a single person.

Singe Again is not a dating group, and while it is a faith-based ministry of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, it is open to everyone.

St. Paul’s Episcopal church is located at 61 Wood Street (Rte. 135) in Hopkinton. For more information call 774-253-4432, visit or email

The mission of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is to minister unconditionally to all in the name of Christ through shared worship, teaching, healing, and service. St. Paul’s welcomes the LGBTQ community, and, indeed, everyone.

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