Snappy Dogs is Back Open Monday

Despite the closing of Colella’s, Snappy Dogs hotdog stand announced on their facebook page, they will open for the season again Monday at their usual spot.

The post was as follows; “Good news, Snappy fans. Snappy Dogs will open for the season NEXT MONDAY, APRIL 13TH in our usual spot!!!!!!!

We are grateful to the businesses in town that reached out to us, offering us a new home, especially Angel’s Hilltop Gardens and Weston Nurseries. But when Dale Colella Danahy graciously offered us the use of her land (where we’ve always parked), we relentlessly pursued the new property manager for permission to use the parking lot.

Praying, wishing, hoping, crossing fingers and toes for beautiful weather next Monday.

See you ’round the trailer!”

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