Snow & Ice Operations Notice

The Hopkinton Highway Department would like to thank the residents for their support & understanding as we all continue through this very difficult and event-filled winter season.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform our residents of how the DPW is proceeding with all of the winter operations tasks we have before us. All of us here at the DPW are committed to making public safety our highest priority. I have spoken with Police Chief Rick Flannery and Fire Chief/Emergency Management Director Ken Clark about all of the tasks we still need to accomplish. We are all in agreement that for public safety reasons the following operational items, in order of priority, is how we need to continue to move forward this winter.

All of the following items have been on going over the last 3 weeks in between the concurring snow storms. The primary issue is that with all of the snow and the lack of a natural melting process we have to keep repeating all of these operational items. The operational items are prioritized in the following order;

1. Plowing and sanding of roads & sidewalks.
2. Widening of narrow roadways with our loaders & larger trucks.
3. Remove dangerously high snow banks at street intersections.
4. Snow removal from pre-identified areas in the center of town and parking lots that fall under the responsibility of the DPW.
5. Vehicle & Equipment repairs
6. Mailbox repairs.

Please call our Administrative office at 508-497-9740 with any needs you may have and we will prioritize each request and respond as quickly as possible. We are currently unable to make mailbox repairs due to the high priority public safety issues we must address first. For those citizens whose mailbox has been damaged, we have not yet made repairs, and you are currently unable to receive your mail, I would recommend that you make a temporary repair yourself or make arrangements with the post office so that you can pick up your mail until the DPW can resume making repairs.

Again, thank you for your continued support and cooperation!

Mike Mansir, Highway Manager
Brendan O’Regan, DPW Director
Rick Flannery, Police Chief
Ken Clark, Fire Chief/Emergency Management Director

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