Solarize Hopkinton Reaches Tier 2 Pricing

The Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee and the Mass Clean Energy Center are pleased to announce that the Popkes family of Cedar St. Extension signed a contract for a 7.5kW system this week, reaching tier two of the Solarize pricing schedule. That means everyone in the program just reduced their price from $3.69 to $3.62/Watt. The Popkes family, who opted for the black Suntech panel upgrade and the microinverters just saved $525.

“We had been shopping for solar before the Solarize program and had quotes in hand. Joining the program has saved us many thousands of dollars” says Steve Popkes.

According to Garrett Sprague of SolarFlair Energy, “We’ve signed two additional contracts today and are well on our way to reaching tier 3 which is $3.55/Watt. This will save the Pokpes family an additional $525. There are many families waiting for their banking arrangements to be finalized before they can sign a contract.”

The Solarize program is a group purchasing plan open to all residents and businesses in Hopkinton that have viable southern exposure. As more contracts are signed, various tiers of discount are reached and the price drops for everyone in the program. Currently 280+ businesses and residents have expressed interest in the program. With Solarize Mass rebates ($2,000+), a Federal tax credit of 30% and a State tax credit of 15% up to $1000 and Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC’s), these systems offer purchasers payback periods of 2-4 years, significant revenue generation for a period of 10 years, and free electricity for 20-30 years. Alternatively, there is a NO-MONEY-DOWN option called a Power Purchase Agreement. The homeowner or business basically rents out their own roof and allows a third-party to install and maintain all responsibilities of the system. The home owner or business benefits by purchasing electricity for the next 20 years for less than half the rate of NSTAR.

Anyone interested in joining the program should contact Andy Boyce, Chairman of the Green Committee and Hopkinton’s Solar Coach at: or visit and click on the “Solarize Hopkinton” tab. There is no obligation. Solarflair Energy will perform a no-cost site evaluation and, assuming the site is viable; provide a proposal for either a purchase or PPA. Contracts must be signed by September 30th at which time the tiered pricing will be locked in.

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