Solicitations for Police

In case you’ve received a phone call soliciting donations for the local police department, here is an update from Lt. Chuck Wallace of the Hopkinton Police Department (HPD).

“The recent inquiries regarding solicitors is due to a state wide soliciting campaign on behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police,” said Wallace. “The company conducting the soliciting is All-Pro Productions. I know in the past, our residents and businesses believe the soliciting campaign is solely on behalf of HPD when in fact it is not.”

According to the letter sent to HPD, “The F.O.P.‘s main goal is helping police officers and their families through benefits given to members, as well as fighting for the important issues on Beacon Hill.”

While the Fraternal Order of Police is a Massachusetts registered charitable organization, the solicitation campaign is not being conducted by either the Hopkinton Police Department or the Hopkinton Police Association. No donations will be solicited or collected by Hopkinton Police Officers.

“If a resident or business does not feel comfortable making a donation, they are under no obligation to do so,” said Wallace. “If they have any further questions, they are welcome to call HPD at 508-497-3401.

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