St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 61 Wood Street (Rte. 135) invites its friends and neighbors to attend a special “Hymn Sing” being held August 16 at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharistic service. Music minister Karen Scheffler will be leading the musical portion of the service, which will include St. Paul’s choir and musicians. Those in the congregation will be encouraged to sing along to the hymns, which are favorite hymns chosen by St. Paul’s parishioners.
“This service will lift up the hymns as vehicles for our praise and worship and there should be some hearty and joyous sounds,” said St. Paul’s Rev. Gordon Schultz. “We will also learn how some hymns have evolved over the years. For example, we will sing the original, Swedish version of How Great Thou Art, and then the version we all know and love from George Beverly Shea.”
The mission of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is to minister unconditionally to all in the name of Christ through shared worship, teaching, healing, and service. For more information on the Hymn Sing call the church office at 508-435-4536 or visit