Special State Election – VOTE Today!

The Special State Election to elect a successor to John Kerry takes place on Tuesday, June 25, 2013. A specimen ballot for the election is attached below.

The election is required to fill the Massachusetts Class II United States Senate seat for the remainder of the term ending January 3, 2015. The vacancy that prompted the special election was created by the resignation of Senator John Kerry, in order to become U.S. Secretary of State. On January 30, 2013, Governor Deval Patrick chose his former Chief of Staff Mo Cowan to serve as interim U.S. Senator. Cowan declined to participate in the election. A party primary election was held on April 30 to determinate the nominees of each party for the general election.

The Massachusetts Democrats nominated congressman Ed Markey, while the Massachusetts Republicans nominated Gabriel E. Gomez, a businessman and former Navy SEAL. Also on the ballot is Richard A. Heos of the Twelve Visions Party.

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